Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Things come back to me
like shapes in the water
alphabets of alien lands
lost to space
Joni Mitchell's Blue
played in my second car
now it plays me like a harp
wherever I was driving
those people and places are gone
dissolved in the clouds above
and so am I
to become the thought of lightning
and the light shining
on tracks in the mud
to become the red man
at the heart of the sun
stripped of all earthly ritual
hurled beyond repetitive procession
to the stream of the galactic converse
to the vortex of converging blood
joined but not bound by time

a snake above the gas of the rivers
slithering on demonic air
to the stairs of heaven
scenes molded by William Blake
scores bending in my DNA

Joni's fingernails are dirty
William is fucking his wife
on the shore of some great ocean
never seen by man
skeletons are alive
pulsing attics of sensitive rubber
ride their metallic houses
with wet cardboard mouths
history is broken
on the walls of a programmed fate
but the wings and the brain
of the upper air are separated
some sinew escapes in pain
to be born again from the second death
paint dries on the doors
of a vast laundromat
I am drying all the underwear
of my ex girlfriends
I am a fluorescent strobe
I am alone in time
and after time
these squares of floor are only floating parameters
somebody checks the ice
somebody writes the movements
of the meters but not me
this time I'm gone like an astral antenna

but here is no place to be gone
and swans peck at the putty of my flesh
for my junkyard flame
and the sparks of my descending name

the pilot of hell's craft at last
the act is a luminous map
these are my eternal games I'm
Mister President Janitor and you're
my valley of luxurious screams.

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