Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Torn bark hymns to naked wood
mute stalks to be melted mouths
picnic on flowered blankets,
pine and pomegranate palms
sap's rubber sole, ashy alleys
between treads, pineal thread
to blaspheme death, life draws tight
lovers departed from childhood
with nobody's god lurking.

The ledge is a priceless lip
the brightest eye on earth
overlooks.  Spoken tongues turn
back to the body with images
to be buried on its inside-out.
Flowers from the nose, cavern
vines the eyes through,
thatches of a smashed basket
surrounded by many gun twigs.

Rim of outskirts, torch under the earth.
God's in the kneecaps, water's fence
and depth, all breaking things.
Dice moon and make
a wheel of spokes only.
Watershed polish spit
one hundred thousand garages.
Bring out the prize pyramid
of human face and hair
and let her grin I'm her.
The languishing river has
a canal in my lungs
that is a secret smile's
disease-dodging seed
of life.
Galaxy's mind-bomb of many bodies,
unkept torch of ages in the belly-stem,
havoc's forest of acid-tipped brambles,
oak's lesson of firmness brought home
with the blood of a goose vibrating
yearly rings of reminder
as stumps crunch stories to the sky
and the high and perfumed
flowering are let low in the graph
of eyes, winking each from its square
in hazel pattern of hours.

Cube invaded by a cat's head
windows triangulated on the pyramid's owl
mountain framework'd to kiss the vulva springs
dining table flown from its arabesque'd quilt
lattice of vegetable arms
bringing uppercut to grey phantoms
and bantam claws run
for a slice of blood, a peck's taste
of what the sky wasted on
unkind men, and sulking women

Monday, June 27, 2016


The liquor puts itself away;
smoke dissipates, light uncovers
a wrath in the fourth quarter;
speech is deceptive, tone wavers,
light answers with brothel;
speech answers, is mania of
death denied by the shovel-minded.
Lilac path cuts open the workday
lilac path opens the night
hills tidal in smashed eyes
turn over the world I carried
with me all my life it was a cage
I wounded it without effort
the long mistake has a river bed
and to take it out...

Rings of smoke cross the barrier.
Long mirrors eat out of the twilight.
The purpose of the water is vanquished.
Root beds and blankets of red steam
carry the living.  Nicked air
flows past the sermon of the dove.

The funkadelic dock shivers
fractured out of the earth.
Cheese-anchored flotilla turns
into a boat, a home for hats,
a trapped roman numeral
fishing with his dick.
The savage god does not exist.
Devils go after his twilight in samey fashion.
Inner man is tension brought into sun being and balanced.
Brought to the hearth, he hungers for nothing.
He lets the hunger of the womb become him.
Warrior of rolled leaves
voyages over the maples
ice cream on the eyeball earth
furthered by laughter on the rapids
puckered anuses of hot light on the high wall
overlooking a belly of cinders
that has been turned and turned
feverish hands to comb long caves
mutant limb liquid the whole
track of solar systems across the mud
of a deep fern'd forest path
twice forked omelette of sunrise
lost in footstep water, bend erupting
in blossom at its greatest stress, combed bank
unscrewed of melted nails worming
back to life across a hollow sundial
shadow tracing the railroad nerve
its slipstream of butchered inhabitants.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Prickly outposts of the earth and moon
look lonely.  Vegetable sky has
ripped her belly on a fence-top.  Hours
die toward the spigot at the residence's
edge where masks fly in a long chain
over a ditch in the earth
a kite's eye, noodling through the air
toward the mounds of red snakes,
mummy's emptiness, haggard rollers
of long sacred scripts in
constantly birthing hallways wet
elaborate re-entrances, stones
in the eyes of the living, a link
with headbanging daisies
in the eliminated breeze
an unthought kiss that clears
it all.  Pens the curved underside
of the favorite tree's fallen jacket,
fondling what scrapes the skin to red,
hang-glider who left an absence
behind a gone world's desk,
untaught in shattering
on the longest wing of throttled laughter
chained by the thorn bush in the crook
of blood punched through by lingering numbers,
devil-bred routines, pantomimes of the dead
as we look at our fathers falling
through the cracks of their own
broken history, and let them
as we must, their ease gone
from our creases to ease the dawn.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Out on the ropes of fuming sunlight
weapons hang from the beauty rising
bulbed open at the eye-hatch
insatiable vision shrinking the void
through which fools escape leering like holes
published nosehairs and the flushed past
rubik's around the core of our squared souls
gleaming in the puzzle of categorized dimensions, and dying in those dimensions
ornamented with terrorized gardens
burnt in the failed protection of self
barren and broken to look upon fusillade
purple hazing of day's close the sky-comb rainbow,
filling up the plugs of pasted-together beings
with overpowering acceptance of vagina rule
dance floor splitting to reveal a swimming pool on TV.

Monday, June 20, 2016

My torpedo body on earth
devil existence redeemed
by harmonizing with all the elements of man
on the shell of the cosmos
for an ephemeral audience
aghast at the authority of murder
and the backwardness of innocence
smashing the floors of civilization with a head-butt
failing at it and loving it
lit up by the barrage of oblivion
with the embracing fire that lives
possessed and crackling in the honor of madness
blood-sweet cost of inspiration
worshipped unto the hearth of beyond this
where motherfuckers just swim in the air
where there is great peace and calm over the damned land.
Trees are terraforming with roots
plumbing the dark soil and deep soil
to start a new world every day
here she comes with a smile for starch
overwhelming the trashed scenery
with hips, apple prizes in the face,
lips and lazily muscular, thighs.

Zones of evaporated milk
flung through the ribs by an eyes's
distance.  Remnants of salt world
on the tip-tongue of blossoming spores
tasting with the body
retching with the body the old world
Born under the eye of the enemy,
afraid to run.
Afraid to run.
Born with the enemy watching.
They update themselves
every now and again.

They have a cleanly way
about them.  They update
themselves again and again.
Making the fabric burn
dancing and pointing at the flames
heroes in their neighborhoods
with time for dissecting whimsy.

Frivolous devil with time to disfigure
I have become your twin.
You've even begun to speak like me.
We inhabit each other's shade
in the corporate sunlight
where we polish ruin and ruin is shut off

Born under the eye of the enemy--you,
mother-raper, de-sweetener of tombs
and fire ceremony, devil eyes in the camp,
die.  And be reborn under your own gaze.
Learn the air behind the mirror.
In the corn of corn self
fields grown ladies to sculpted forests of static
backdrop, green tears from the heart
of an overused sun, eye wearied
orange by too much seeing.

Blowing radios into molten flower
announcements of death universal in music
touching rented roofs with
urgency of umbrella'd voice,
pushing green housed roof off,
lavender breathing through hands
milleniums of expressive torso
tilted offices of man sliding and
draining from broken windows
karate females wheel a stewardesses' cart
through a parking garage
world's empty pocket
flipped by a single string

Thursday, June 16, 2016

The whole carpet of earth
torn up, units of light dissolved
into cold, warrior deprived
by a world without mission

riding the ferris wheel with drunk
abandon in his buttocks, searching
treetops and machines for the popcorn heart,
anime mouth ecstatic that burps and winks the sun
pouring sweet spit on the drum skin
open fields of tar mouthing plumes
of pink whistling smoke blowgun swamp
forest stripped and steaming
chipped stalks interrupting peak time
rooms ache to feedback walls in silver flower
drooled inkwell of desk erection dream
strobed cliffs melt an archway
fallen hands of time follow the green

light through: salt water licking
silently otherside of a force field
fold-up chairs on fire slanted forward
the empty throne of heaven reflecting
gartered legs spread down behind the descending
threshold, low golden inter dimensional bed
where the poor make love between
a phantom savior's series of soft clefts,
fanged butterfly lips, take my blue, my mountain
memory into your narrowed vastness.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Whatever else is fiddle, my Earth
comes to meet the arc
of what I am sculpted
meld spirit with body brain
clay is always falling, this scepter island
will bobble on the static of
a world hunkering backward into speech.

Open telepath mind, universal swoop
of endless hunger
reaching the totems of finality
passing into perfect darkness
colored and re-colored with
the touch of reality's blood
fallen from the trunk of
high-reaching souls,
speaking to be recorded
and not felt.  Imprisoned
in the belly of this legal talk,
scythed hack of matter.

The border's twerked on circuitry
of power, goddess tree humming with amps
melody is a buzz in the daisy bright chain
encircling a campfire
guns melted on the hearth
and bronzing back at the sun
its bullet error of man.
Mask nested with vapors,
pouring out of purity's breakage
in high walls that stood on the mind
scales of fury, long strands of volume in eyes
magic carpet over the vacuum

Snails flow on the neck
of the deflowered statue.
Spears of fence head shopping bag
around the galaxy bulbs
an original kink in the fabric
that keeps grabbing and grabbing
for the laughter of descendants
and the thrill of the banquet
in heart and belly
dissolving all holds on her swerve

planned and unplanned totalities of love and the spread of
phallus-headed unicorns
re-selling a holy gait vaguely toward
the future, where kisses hiss shut into the air
and trains go backward in the carelessness
your gloved march left undone,
sons of it's gleaming
less of the taint with your error,
criminal souls, impartial as crows
discussing nature, narrow tongues
god-wide minds pointedly hot
taking part in the madness of the passing hours,
neglecting the path of forgetfulness
stolid in numbers trapped
volcanoes in thought built up

will reap able and treacherously beneficent children,
the multi-path'd with full hooves split on sky
happily tucked like a pie
sled on the museum you opened in my head
by landing on me.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Noon passes on a slope, feminine bi
cycles pass liquidly in flippant schism
the frothing of the last volcano's mouth
forking gardened hillside with rock
pathways for gawking lizards
in perfected human attire;
there are beings like us
in other worlds, devouring
their way towards us right now.
Following jagged footprints
on a dung heap, twiddling antennae,
to find the sun's tractor beam,
the lost features of the moon
and the called of silence
to be filled with minerals
in endless tide, abstractedly
worshiping.  Mouths hung
on the choir's clothesline
of rhythmic existence,
a song of houses blocked by rain,
pizza on rain-tables
napkins peppered by
lipstick grams, pyramids
of eyelids stacked and stacked
to the hot treetops.
Radiant plush that fades
the eyes back into the teeth,
the voice back into the neck,
the neck back into the ass...

Furry light, that opens
a morsel in the blood,
a tangled pour,
crystallized volcano of effort
prism led to court of dead owls,
miceless claws of the judgmental dead.

Dashed slobber of mutuality,
why are you calling me
back through cloud factories
to be mercilessly painted by eyes?

Many-mirrored flutter, parallelograms
of copulation squeezing treadmills
free of daisies, many-pharoah'd tombs
bursting with rice salt honey vulvaic stimulaters
body-spiders friend from the gone age
an ember in her waistband
as I pass myself meeting her.

Tug of cumulus on the bloodstream.
Shat fences pull up from dregs.
Fiddle of washed-out frog mouths
in the tubs of collapsed immunity.
Flung to it like vegetable, a pursed
triangle for mouth's radio dial,
enemy savior, Freya, toasted imitator.
Your grains in the prints of my fanged sand.

Thursday, June 09, 2016

Pointed away from the source of light, the curved cornea grow
on low vines and softened gelatin
its gilded dome topped by a statue
stigmatized by the props of four other dancers
a picture window loosened around the plants beneath the outer scales
pods as bush and pole promiscuous as alley cats
called seed-making hips in the strawberry patch
and burgundy snakes adorn her christmas wish stars as campfire badges
chasing and trying to eat rain onto the living room floor;
we nursed and rocked, we sang together.

Blocks of velvet alternated with solid crystals
babyhood wrapped in teeth and hair
handprints and footprints made numerous people and scenes assemble
each one with a coat of decoupage embroidered.
The keystone of green boughs with straight pins
string berries on wedge made of finger and thumb flute
an envelope of silence pouring out his torrent

Monday, June 06, 2016

Buck-wild silver out on the trellis
of the known, snail's trail
of ooze from the rectum,
a soothing smile, a leer
on the rope, anointment
of lovemaking, payment of light
from hardening ceiling, milk-roast
that inhabits caverns and canyons
freezing into flower, the lid of rock
like a monk's mouth, bristles
articulate of wrists, sun's
urge less whipping on waves
of long unkept forests froth
mirroring out from a tremor
of total life spunk lost
in the forest celebration's
egg nothingness caught
and besieged with knuckles of bird
lay on out the blue mat--
as violins nod to the imaginary center
baby god bows out of his death tuxedo.
Going to war with flesh in a sun ray
benched for a river of ozone
birch flowing on hills of no empire
crumbled seats of stone
android informed hillocks
flicking ash into a soft abyss
watching it balloon into clamor
on the steam floor of the last world
and the last world
and the last.

Kingdoms of leaf on which
to sit in elevated shadow of oil.
Ruined gaze that inhabits
the transparent seas.