Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Galaxy's mind-bomb of many bodies,
unkept torch of ages in the belly-stem,
havoc's forest of acid-tipped brambles,
oak's lesson of firmness brought home
with the blood of a goose vibrating
yearly rings of reminder
as stumps crunch stories to the sky
and the high and perfumed
flowering are let low in the graph
of eyes, winking each from its square
in hazel pattern of hours.

Cube invaded by a cat's head
windows triangulated on the pyramid's owl
mountain framework'd to kiss the vulva springs
dining table flown from its arabesque'd quilt
lattice of vegetable arms
bringing uppercut to grey phantoms
and bantam claws run
for a slice of blood, a peck's taste
of what the sky wasted on
unkind men, and sulking women

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