Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Scars left on the temporal scape
from galaxies that flew away
and left their outlines bleeding
on an empty land.

Themes die in the air
at least the stripped things gleam
some ragged consolation
crawls out of the pit
with crooked teeth
but the weight
of so many collapsing stories
has built a skeleton
of glue and gold
that is drowning
my skin suit
in a plastic tomb.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Sleeping in the rafters
of smashed heavenly light,
feathered rings clinging
to a copper lattice,
sponges of exploded sugar
tumbling across a pentagram's
nest of gnarled angles
the unheard scripture's metal cover
birth's mouth of centipedes
clenched in foam
like so many steaming commas

two vagrant flames
not yet bereft of anatomy
dancing on the finished blueprint
crooked noose to hook
aligned in the vine's alchemy
shrine's glassy pink ejecting grapes
safe from the fountain of their skeletons
lipstick traces that cracked a stage
interpenetrant fiber optic
flushed radiant angles

the torn clay of wheeling rages
bulbs caged on the water's face.
I am yearning for a web
of silk sprayed bronze,
to be a parrot's brightest feather
aloft in your paranoid tapestry
of liquid error
consumed by wizards of grass,
concrete carved supple as a tongue,

chutes of jeweled
and palatial nerve centers
in their chemical gloss,
glass bright in dilapidated hallways
with a frog's glue of fingertips
disciplining disobedient beauties
with a tender time frayed hand
beset by spiralled rains
and winds with interlocked bands
the curves of a dark born land.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

You are foreshadowed
by dark purple clouds
with lace outlines
you appear in my room
like an incantation
forming many radiant figurines
star maps throughout
a curving mirror
coming back to me like
waves on an entranced circuit

your shape is the one
my hands make in the deepest void,
the corners of a heavenly place
bring me up on hooks,
your eyes dance
like the mercy of a predator,
the ground shakes with seismic heat,
the hills crumble,
a citadel forms on the crest
of a breaking cliff,
the branches of blood strive
through many entangled colors,
you are my feminine leopard,
fissures of leaden red that tumble
through the wood well's walls.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Long lanes on fire with roses,
skies cut into vibrating tendrils,
earthquake playing a harp of ribs
that stings a stillness in the blood,
one lump of deranged humanity
singing like an angel.

Benches plush with rotten rags
for the sleepers and dreamers.

Bright water pouring through
the broken moon.

Two thorny gloves
to grip a sighing highway
ten tongues escaping fresh
from a cloudy vein.

Sunday, August 20, 2023


Dear God of bisecting angles
set me up on a grim plateau
with these half-dead so-called men
and let me rip them all to shreds.
I am tired of this artificial peace
the glint of its tense web
waiting to be picked up
like a ring of swords.

Give me magic bitches now
or I will shit on the walls
of the temple.  Run the faucets
out and dry up the water
so that I can drink death
from an ancient bottle
and bury the wound in glass.

Wrap the raging vines
up in a cute bowtie
let them go to work on my throat.
Anoint the snow with sun
ride ultraviolet scopes
down shrinkwrap clothes
and orange vapor
pines lining up
in bloody moonlight
my tongue is an ax
my arms the frenzy of injured pincers
my soul a centipede's drainpool
and the perch of a praying mantis

one giant crimson ear
listening to weightlifter theologians
pro wrestling political scientists
and their weightless follower drones
ready to bash them all
with a pyramid of painted bricks
painstakingly dissassembled
this stack of fever dreams
these human cigarettes
fully smoked.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

I burn my hands
on the wheel of creation
waiting for the lifeblood
of some slain
and unwilling celestial
to send its rivulets
down my shaken walls.

Watching some comet soul
hit the omnipotent bulkhead
looking for a grain beyond grain
a match that strikes itself
some eternal kernel
evincing itself in form.

And the roads
go up in smoke
and the beautiful peak of ice
dried by a far flung thought
and sprayed with metallic
attempts at permanence
must steepen and twitch
with living fibers
and long blonde hairs from hell.

Glass bulbs outward
from many portals
like the throats of freaking frogs
building a tongue web in twilight
for some searching moon
searching because she is empty
searching for fun because her name
is already carved into my chest
by the details of oblivion.

Pillars of marble wheat
grapes plucked from frozen generation
the bones that built a feather in granite
all gone to an unseeing machine.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Better to be scarred by beauty
and stranded in this world
bleeding streams of unanswered letters
than absent, abstract and subtracted
from passion
protected by shells of ice
static in a rift
between worlds.

Here, a fleck of light
on a blade,
the ground jumps
and collides like a lover
with bones, with heat
and the heat it seeks
in the hornet's nest
of her darkening hair.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

I set the pyramids on fire
with a thought.
And watched the great pharaohs
go under me in a stream of glass
but now they are coming back.

Now I see pentagram stars
dripping black jelly.
And the dancing of swamp skeletons
lives in my rearview mirror.

Catch me in your net and kiss me
before I go out to the battle
of lost mobs who burn
through to hell in a tide of gas.

Crank the seats back
to a thick vibration
let the scepters of streetlight bulbs
quicken the slow blood.
Let it come
with a lightning lick of laughter
let it land with ten kittens
and a cardboard bag
let the apples roll
to magnetic blades
in the tips of roots
gold mask grow feathers in twilight
let the pious fold.

Saturday, August 12, 2023


I'm talking to the rain goddess,
telling her everything
that burps and whistles
is not really going to death
but to a deeper life
and we're floating

she tells me to enjoy
these dreams in their sweet decay
to embrace what fades
for its own existence
she strokes me
with the tenderness of smoke
rolling her thick hips
across my shallow grave

where vines pull me out
and shoots of bamboo
rescue my vertebrae
for her whips to cross over
we're dancing on cubes
of fluorescent air

I ask who's leading and she laughs
I take off my breastplate of script
and she laughs
I take off my radiant colors
I remove my cabinet arms
and cupboard legs
and she laughs like ivy
tendrils spreading and snaking in rhythm

she is oiling all the engines
in all my grey garages
til I come spilling out like silk
to worship her with shields
and whole civilizations

I take off my lasso
of computerized paperwork
and she laughs like a storm
I take off my leash of dreams
and she gives me a new sleep

I take off my sinews of money
she boils the ringleader
I eat of the ringleader
and when finally she lies down with me
something of her has gone
to the waves and the violent flowers
where we are no longer crashing

so I hoist her to shoreline
fresh in my arms to awaken
and I weep
like the lines on a fucking rock.

Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Our kisses were blasted by rain
but they did not disappear,
each blinking smack of lips
drifted into the liquid embers
of a searching chaos,
each touch in time
bisected by the sweet web
of our presence here
as the falls pour
and the green walls purr
for reunited claws.

Monday, August 07, 2023

I stare at your golden head
and let the wells run out.
I watch the streamers
of green light reach
fluttering over the mouths
of all doors.

I see you in a column of steam
from a confusion of wounded windows,
eyes chiming with the secret
charm of my soul, freckled throne
where my tongue surrenders,
deep valentine core
with a torso of hooks and thistles
the spirit's missile
in a ring of doves
cutting clouds like rubber

I lay on the beach with my ribs open
with my nimbus of brass bells
with my limpid shackles
shadows glued to the retreating moon

two keys in a vine tangled
blood soothed by a sparkling scar
dew glinting on resurgent ruin.

Sunday, August 06, 2023

Fight for the fused inevitable ember
spiked mouth laughing
at the heart of creation
can't crack the hands
drumming on the drum heart

watch the rails break off
into a ragged sun
see me waiting in my skeleton
eyes popped at the end of a dock
teeth clenched on an electric line

throw me a joker card sunrise
I'll pass it off as my own dawn
if you keep it in the fortress
of a maple fallen.

Saturday, August 05, 2023

I'm already
in the gleaming hereafter.
No stars touch me now.
The sheen disperses
from a town surface.
The rains fall
but there is no sound.

Here in the quiet spirit
I see my body chasing beauties
who are going
into the great fire alone.
Here in a chalk square
within a wired circle
the glare of galaxies
on a split sunflower
and a lucky hammer
is bringing me down.

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Let the sun boil its way through
this ocean of reptilian spit nests,
let the rusty girders
like long neglected pencils
shift into the swallowing depths.

Let mint flavored air
flow over the strange blades
that have stopped moving,
let the chains of flesh
sag into the waiting coals
of the spirit's core
and be renewed in geometric fire.

Let the diamond
blink its rows of eyes
let the granite rivers