Wednesday, July 17, 2024


My love was gone, but the southern girls
brought it back.  My love was gone,
but the Mexican women brought it back.
My love is never gone, that dirty love
just won't die.  I want a good salty woman,
to lay down on my lids and cry.

Pillars rise in the desert, sunfish belch
in the winding sea.  Trunks shudder in the forest,
wet twigs snap in the cave-mouth's breathing.
I want a good steady woman
to launch my windowsill and spill my tea.

Bookshelves speak in the evening,
drinks linger on linoleum floors.
Speakers blast Muddy Waters, because
that's the way daddy fuckin' likes it.
Let the fuzz fly off the electrodes,
may the cop cars explode far away,
let their fire adorn revived
drive-in movie screens.  I want
a southern girl's mouth to drink
all the poison out of me.

Let the sands of feverish time crawl in
through the thrift store windows, across
the piled pages of holy scripture lying there.
May the red hair of that beauty,
may the black hair of that beauty,
carry my body in a hammock and
bring me home to deep America again
where I can simmer and I can stare.

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