Sunday, July 21, 2024

I am the black bird of midnight
staring at the streetlights til they crack
I perch on rusty guardrails
at the outskirts of the world and smoke
in a blood dried leather jacket
of many folded wings
watching the windshields gleam
toward a world I never joined

the throngs are passing with their gas
the circuitry of entrapment
with such sexy advertisements
flickering on battered billboards

pour a highway down my throat
I will coat little bits of gravel
with my paint saliva
and cough them up
into the stream that doesn't understand

my flock of ghosts is a host triangle
for a plague of blues
that sometimes covers the wound
and our tongues glisten
in a towering tornado of open beaks
that goes flickering under the stars
and their gut strewn molten followers

I am a flying key whose thread
got caught in the lock
the weight of silver on its way down
is my clothespin crown and ruddy hereafter
roads flow over my brow
even when I dive in the ocean
streams are articulate and rare
even as they multiply like snakes
for my gobbling gash

I fly for the lasso of the moon
over city straw so elegantly reaching
and the ecstasies seeded in country gloom
for my nest of echoes
and a branch that is transparent too.

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