Tuesday, July 30, 2024


The pharaoh and the mermaid
met on a sea of sand that she
then turned to water
pharaoh's throne was floating on it
like a bubble of gold

skies grew as their intertwined images
adorned the turning obelisks
in the courtyards where they came
to raise hell and dance with panthers
in the days when there was more
than one sun and more than one moon
like tunnels with radiant archway braces
that just keep multiplying

were the pharaoh and the mermaid washed out
or did they just swim away one day together
into the ragged reaches of unknown orbits
are they still imprisoned here
and if so when will they break out
with matter warping throngs of pipers
in their train of deep millennia's resonance
quaking the fragile kingdoms
ebbing on credit now

will they be grand and gilded
will they have to be vicious
will the wild celebration win the heart of man
I think you and I could be
the pharaoh and the mermaid
lost in some local desert
we will begin to invent

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