Thursday, July 18, 2024

The moon is eating my fungus.
Hard machinery is building a soft wall.
The raging stars, the drift of dark material
are a part of it.  The mirror of
deception is a breaking flame.
Arabesques of burnished metal
are a net between me and you.
Don't poke your fingers through.
Just listen to the roaring and light up.

The night is a cup full of lively worms.
The branches dip and the sacred water yearns.
I am not the pet of bodily affections.
Instead I am the spirit that has broken loose.
I don't send the goddess a blank check,
I send her an arrow on a thread.

Libraries of glass in tall containers
hold myriad octopus mouths.
Heaters crank under the ice
to create a force field.
Somebody's time machine
but not mine.

Cudgel the fossils into glittering salt
I will be standing nearby and invisible
with my finger on the hologram.
Stain your grip on the cord.
Far off on the inhuman altar, far off
on a parchment of dried pond scum
you look for the mask
that was made from my blood.

Outside the orbit of the ringed planets
the future is a smoking tomb.
With the returning giants
I walk space away from your garden
and the ghosts inside the wires
are my gloves within the reigning womb.

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