Thursday, July 25, 2024

The jazz of southern afternoon's
tumbling crawling green
lands on my shoulders like a sash
painted with trembling keys
the spirit of the forest
dancing with chainsaw teeth

I am imprinted by strange voices
I am a bag of tongues instructed
by my adversary
tattooed by my intended killer
by an image without a number

the canals are alive again
water slicks their mossy furrows
like the soul of salt
in a washed world

music is with my ears
it dwells there in all
its froth and ferment
and sweet sweet damage

I am the wild man of floating slats
ordained with fully organic rainbows
and spray painted with colorful oil
corralled by dancing girls
who anoint my goat nature
with drunken kisses
then float me off
into a tightly geometric night

I am that earthly righteousness of the damned
who they seek in all their titillating nightmares
in a heavy metal serape
and a drum cage of scraping wings
spring's pool where the pillow sings
and the horns of fallen angels
sprout in fungus shapes
from the shadow of a desperate land.

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