Saturday, July 06, 2024

I am being blasted away
by the force fields of established entities,
I look around a leaking corner
for a well painted queen,
the gaps between neighborhoods heave,
the furrowed ditches come up
as crested hillsides,

the light is dew, the garlands
of braided doorways
rustle in space-penetrated air,
long passageways open through
a thousand alien houses,

the silver turns to gold, the gold goes
brown baked with a grayish tinge
like old beat up furniture upholstery,
my lips don't touch the one who is gone
even in the dreams of twilight
and depraved dawn,

the moss lined canals roar through
their bricks and concrete,
my cup of skull howls and holds
a slick eel, the bounds of reality corrode
in the salt that savors them,
the sun is pickled in a tank
of rotating garlic, only the wounds heal,
the gridwork of the calendar
is frescoed and fine
without words and numbers,

the grave sows a seed in eternity,
the ground of birth cools
in the lapping seepage
of waters that were gone
and did come back to bond.

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