Thursday, July 18, 2024

Spunk of diminished ages,
reaching for another realm,
bones outlined in stone
putting on the costume of vague flesh
as the soul bounds away
on rippling hills.

Cafe tables overturned by the breeze
of a departing mind
from a strangled brain.
Urchins spilled like tongues
from painted plates.
Mated particles of dust
radiating metallic verbs.
Grains in the wood that soar
like unmapped roads
under the only hands
of a rejected God
or a robotic toad, who knows.

We are pierced by the fabric here:
we don't work the treadle.
Your humanist idealized world
is going down to poisoned valleys
in a cart of fools.  The goblin is angelic
where the circumcising scalpel rules.

In the machine gunned ballroom
in the theater abandoned but for one
the drama goes on living like a mountain goat
above the drowned and faithful sheep
above the dissected columns
and engineered fruit

let me have my razor peacock wings
and my bronze hang glider
let me have my airplane window
in a fort of vine stitched bark
where men escape to the stark

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