Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Raced by ghosts
to an oscillating tank
through the secret clefts
of many facile forests

to the dank heart of
the deeply thrumming woods
where parrots clack
and the whips of ageless bodies
crack like spines,

caverns burning with eternal savor
under cloudy storms of cedar and pine
for the walking blind.

Run weightless on the bows
of willing birches,
watch flying orbs bend air
for primal circuitry
unleashed in rediscovered dawn,

ride to my witch queen
and see if there is a blessing,
a balm kissed many times
to heal the map of murdered lifetimes
twitching in the bushes of the damned,
glitter tossed on pock marked
half paved soil, stark feathers
of besieged being
in the crush of tideless pawns.

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