Saturday, June 15, 2024

God keeps writing books in space
God grew from a magic seed to start the universe
God is very plain in extravagant wrapping paper

God's pen smells like a dog
His eyes are the eyes of a cat

God fucks, the moon is too small for him
But he likes to vacation on Venus

God has not gotten bored of himself
God's artistry of particles
surrounds him with sinuous pretzels of
snakelike celestial activity

He is ceaselessly entertained
by his motion which is thought itself
bound to light's beginnings
and without stagnation

God has finally gotten bored of politics
He is bending the architecture of Hell
with little whispers
God is keeping track of time
by always breaking out of time,
God has a secret that he keeps like a slave

God writes like roots on stone
but the roots don't die
God is all the imagined rooms
inside the suggestions of the recipe.

God has flamed out
against the bars of his cell
He likes to test himself
in the zones of limitation

Bearded with the healing fire that seals
the breach between the sexes
God is the only real hermaphrodite
and the only one with a holy cause

God is a cousin of Isaac Asimov
He parties with Greeks, he leaves early
to find his suffering tribe in the desert

God yearns for the unknowable
He conceives a vegetable world
and then drenches it in vagrant sperm
God is the symphony within behind
the static in all uninhabited
frequencies of radio

God hollows out
the eggplant of consciousness
with a touchless laser tool.

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