Thursday, June 06, 2024

Birth is death, and death is a star.
The swallowed earth is melting down
her prison bars.  The ground
regurgitates the blood of the lost.
Dogmas die in dust
and the impossible body rises.
Crescents traced on red clay
create chiming swing sets,
silver playgrounds for the elderly,
who slide on space.  The soil hesitates,
the stone is a bouquet of knives.
Chains rattle like a song
sheathed in rivers of burning oil.

Bark peeling from the forests of childhood
becomes scrolls in a cave.
The masses climb over the dying light
like ants.  The fated architecture of the web
splits like a windshield, like the scars
on a white cliff, like the soul
of a dying island.

I will force the singularity of man
through an unripe grape, the green
of the robotically assembled state.
In the bent birches of an unsigned cathedral
I will wear the barbed wire robes
of the outcast priest, and hold
the cutting shell that gathers these last seeds.

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