Saturday, June 08, 2024

My body is a rope between
two wet worlds
that crickets hop over.
Sinks gush in half-open kitchens,
I suck the grass pounded flat
under the scythe of artificial light,
feeding on the grease of discarded morsels,
jostled by meaty souls
as they pass from trash to trash
through plastic transparent hallways,
dumping foggy water
into evaporating channels,
carved by dead words
and indistinct actions,
erupted by a solar tongue.

The rift is mine, the radiant cursed
miles between rejected fragments,
disoriented vegetable shells
floating over heated rivers,
aurora borealis stung by devil sperm
and hung with amphibian fingers,
all mutants hatched in a dumpster's corner,
cleansed by such orbit-less moons,
are palpitating with me now.

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