Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The fine arc of light
with its broad colors
that never touch down.
Rusty girders protruding into empty air
like bent french fries.
The joggers in their last strut
Ants on the sun burnt paint
putting bark together
in small pieces.
Slick vehicles that express
erotic anger.
Shrubs of a well-fed zone
padlocked to each other.
Roots breaking off into a beam
the leaf-maps laid out
acid streaked linoleum.

Structures linked by courtyards
of abnormality, the spiral shells
turning in blackened sand.
Satellites running with the fluids
of birth and death
the dance of electrified speech.
Knobs rippling high walls
from behind their force,
claws released by a flood of tears
through the hinges.
Stairs of cloud and small stones
marked by frozen heels.
Chains of wet roofing
riding an armored nothing.
Roads collapsing roads
the pit of a fiery lake
the earth drank.

Mussels peeling from inside the dome
burning weeds and fingers.

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