Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Light on me like a tool kit
I walk a ramp way
with many big buckets on wheels
rolling past.
City's wires and signs
slashed by a long green branch
coming through the window.

Frames on circuits that present
the flying years, the clutching
and failing names.
Dream body pausing
to nestle the floors
where he lay waiting
for her and her
and her.
Lines falling off like paint.

Carving out rooms
in this mess of pipes
brick and wood stabbed through
tall panes of glass
cracking the shutters.
Levels humming
to the dance of blood.
Screens finger signed and tapped
a headset full of screaming neighbors
marching to the brine vat.

One table with a cool blank sheet
a set of claws
to scratch it with
the android's lips
glittered with pepper.

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