Monday, May 14, 2012

Empyrean Ashes

Light pounces
from bookseller to blood
from money quickly to children
and from your emerald amplitude
to the network of woman form
that lurks in all my grasping
to be brought openhanded and full
to the banquet of refrigerated breads
where the insatiables are grinning
light prowls and prowls
shark meat on rye
cups tipped to clink
at plates edges
the moon flakes away and does not--
next course--come back,
the brass knocks, elite populations
scatter to keyless rooms
the teats in a plastic sheathe
the blister burning through a machete's handle
seed-pods of spiderlike fluff
hacked loose into an exclusive wind
the force of green on a roadside
squirrels hidden for the thunderstorm
and pigeons tucked away
I think of the kindness of
your eyes, and hope it preys.

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