Monday, September 26, 2022

As if you were counting,
counting your pearls
on a strange shore
and could not be moved.

A great wind has swept me empty.
I linger in the halls
of battered frames
and ailing family portraits.

Here is a web that glistens
with evacuated mind.
Here are your chess-carved
partners.  Play.

No thanks to the chain of talking rectangles
regurgitated from some geek's
delirium, no thanks
to the scum with lipstick,
weak snips of a turning wheel.

I'll take the path between
the fallen piles, pick out
the twisted logs
that interlock.  And watch
the light curve
around many Earths
to grow its shape
in your corner,
little woman from the faint towns
who resounds without clamor.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

If I could swim to you
through the air of Oglethorpe
through the rocks of Chickamauga

if I could perch on your wing
and grow to kiss you
while the petals clap
on their opposing shores

we'd bounce around fern-clad ditches
with feet of sweet

and the lightly woven
bows of cloud
would drift their way back to you

all articulate cells
and bell pull rope
so deep in my hands

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The vise grip of beauty
on a broken man

long days lit only by the parking lots
and uninhabited fields

reflecting a crazed sun

are we moles in our cozy blindness
do we shine where the linoleum bright
drops off

or hang glide
into a time rift laughing

Is there resurrection for the punks
for the freaks rejected by the new freaks
will there be a rebirth for disfigured heroes
and neglected spawn

will there be a light that shifts the burden
or just these gravity suits of inertia
does the soul breathe
can it find me
can we meet in buried history
and halve the galaxy's collapse

or put it right like printed tin
and go under it

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

So many wild ones gone.
The chairs filled with their light
recede and fade.
The darkness under time
has taken them far

Oh to be in their midst
for another hour.
To withstand them once
was not enough--it never is.

Only to hear them howl
and subside,
rage and slumber,
only to live in the labyrinth
of all their breathing
for a second more.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

I draw myself out
on the electrified hillsides,
waiting for you.

Draw myself
tight as a drum,
ready to resound and
touching nothing.

Pretty as glassy embers
put to bed on ash,
resonant as
a whole choir of females
in your solitary breathing,
you pass me by like the light
on a bale of hay, again and again.

Your circuitry is the moat
that protects without armor

these fences painted
with my patient blood
in the shadow of your perfect longing
where I will go like scattered rice
or be cast aside.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Lest we contemplate
the strange humanity
lurking beneath Darth Vader's mask

and know ourselves unknowable
for the small and bitter gods we are

try stacking lists, try
the smell of desire try
the smell of money on money

and wherever it runs out
hope for a happy chair
to sit in like a dummy

carve the insides of the mask
with fervent strides of color
from the beds of bones
let green yellow the air
and the svelte throng care.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

When we met
your young beauty
was already old

As old as anything gets
in this world,
as old as the salt in the sea,
older than me.

You slayed the reflections
of fallen arrivals
at the pageant
of pride that fades.

You raided the bones
of desert royalty
for DNA

And I waited
like a cave of geodes
for your fingers
that arrange the stuff of life,
for your braids of light
that hold up the dead sky.

In its tendrils frozen
your light returns
with its shining warmth,
its rescue of the moon's

I am the rock that waits
for your tough little feet
cells answering cells
in the web where there is no answer
save the shuttered water
and its ageless thirst
to swell without eyes
for your skin,
to yearn without features
for you casting glances,
the eggs that I catch like seeds
from all the reeds that bend
a chandelier's pen.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

You glue my twin soul
to a tower of scorpions.
I waver in its grip
until your gown appears
in the window of
a neighboring lighthouse.

Our masks
and their wires with diamonds
have fallen to a valley of silk.
I walk around you
like the skirts
your shadows flare.

Billie Holiday sings in my veins
when you step so lightly
on autumn scales that suit you
in the rugged dark torn blue
by a relentless moon.
I hear prophecies of you
in David Bowie.
The madness of the radio
is silenced by your breasts.

In the crux of crossing shadows
I see you are the trees
that cast them.
I walk beneath your body
through the sky
and then back in
over platforms of laughing soil.

The atmospheric curtains
thrust me out
to the senseless stars
and airless majesty again

I long for your talk of butter
of small grains and earthly things
that blossom in the flame of your hands

imperfect devourer
sweet fount of braids and chains
where I give up my wandering
and you send me into ashes
waiting for a pin to prick my soul
for you to pipe my longing
deep to be the water of my air.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Pelt me with red eggs from hell,
be my grim transcriber.

Let me not stray
from your frail and square
take the libraries from my heart
with a drag on your cigarette.

Let's watch the rivulets
carved in this hillside
run with restaurant milk.

Friday, September 09, 2022

Already you are blooming
under the lights
that scalp some.
Havoc is breeding
the central diamond
in your eye of eyes.

The soil's life reaches up
into your fertile web.
Sanctuaries cluster
all around you in a bright
stone-tapped mosaic
where I am
falling over.

I am the swelling
above your ribs,
the tigress heat
that makes tigers.

As the cliff blades
find my fur
my bones
will not let go.

Wednesday, September 07, 2022

The green rows open up
when you close your hands.
Palm leaves crack
when you avert your eyes.
Nets fling a harvest
of empty armor.

But the one who has
walked the longest
will not be clothed.

The sky gnashes
and impersonates
a purple wreath.
Thorns write on my pillow
and retreat into my veins.

The journey
is a smashed grain of sand
where the gardens
ripped a man.

Saturday, September 03, 2022

The yellow flower trembles
on its patch of scrub.
My blades are careful
but her scowl
obtrudes the air.
I'm alien here
but the veins have got me.

I plow down the green gulf
into the holy river.
A cloud spits hail
on my dive
and the wake
retracts my eyes
to be born green
in the garden of sodom
one more blinking time.

A crescent there in black blue,
the sinking earth,
the fates of ice in current
like dying letters.