Monday, May 21, 2018

Red-faced shield manufacturers
at the windows around my house,
leering and squawking til
the hot strawberry light
parts them wild,
diagonal aims and lasers
a shined table,
a hollow pin, a wide dancer
guarding a hindered groin,
a constellation beltway
tilted by cracked oars,
the unmoored gravity of eyes
paved over with garden bed and rehearsal
high chutes of elevator grass
long roots in the love-taught water
a fishbed, a glowing ring of rocks,
a bouncing cracker, tuxed and latched,
world-worthy an oyster boy,
ugly making its way to adornment
to meet him, hands width
of courts and hats and old
speckled way of painting things,
paid off for the second-story laundry,
the sounds of hand soap
and many seeds in activation.

Rounded surfaces refracting
eyelids and bus journeys
on headphone acid
pistons and springs of bathroom silver
pumps of two-way wing armpit
paths marking skin of earth
the thrashing of rejoined creatures
leaf's launch of memory
hung to its tower of shelves
and glass orbit dressing up
as the plumber's jewels,
color of a smeared newspaper
shark's paper napkin.

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