Monday, May 14, 2018

Of all those driven crazy
by the American dream,
I am the one.

Flashing through parking lots
and tin gazebos
nimbus after nimbus
burst on me
and running its hot sauce pro-matter
through the atmosphere
branch to mouth
and thorn in the bud of the tongue
green cracks in the brick
faces coming together in conglomoration
imagined by this place
to be smashed and saved
with its acorn crater
satellite cheese
and public broadcast
ass to mouth
in ceremony of truth
with gin receipt,

with its monkey brain carts
and poetic understanding of minerals
doing tall things in the ballroom of money
and blood-rusted hammers
long transparent rectangles floating
to greenhouse wick zones
moth wings glued to the hotel glass
whacked off passed out
with tray of thin spaghetti
hat scorched by microwave
comb-whipped cat and shaved Roxanne
my steering wheel a varied probe
a girl's yelling rectum
near the garlic knob
of the radio glow bar
of the time when I had a vehicle
and a thing burned into my theme

the vomit that I had to say
shat out like a turf war of stars
sprinkled ceiling and shovel worm
burrowing home to the hut-washed evening
enveloped in pillows
egg-shack's click-throat
sleeping and scheming
the thumbtack killing a shark
from a nude smacked hand
and a run-out man
a soup line man in drag tuxedo
tugging a suitcase world
and a train of digitized framework muzzles
the gospel of welding
delta to powerline pole
and roping a box of gloves
a mandolin's cracked string piece
and antennae bent back under twists
in the dream-recording headboard

for lemon fists and discarded aprons
butt fucking ass on the cinnamon floor
proper temperatures registered tagged
dubbed down by springs and salvation army fingers
for an LSD mattress and a type flick
running on the chimney opposite
caught by the flag T-shirt apparatus
a scoundrel's brown teeth gleaming
hubristic pennant rimlicked
between the android clefts
a diamond hustling elastic
in a tangled colonial
a desk job waiting in parallel forehead
a can faking
a spray tucked into action
a door cartoon
a fertile creep
the necessary desperate
globe opener.

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