Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I see how unprepared I am for you

We were unhappy, fighting each other
We thought we had to be unhappy, fighting each other
We thought our unhappiness was necessary
We thought our anger was leading
To a wonderful breakthrough
We were terribly wrong
This is the song of our terrible wrongness
Look how clumsy it is
I cannot ask you to listen to it


Bill Gnade said...
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LukeBuckham said...

Hi Bill.

What led me to place that quote so prominently was the growing realization of my own sociopathic characteristics. Of course, I like to think I am not as hideously warped and artificial as the kind of everyday psychos the quote is purportedly talking about. But it amused me to mock my sinister side by posting the quote in the "about me" section.

"There is nothing so bad that the making of a snow angel can't make better."

This goes into the obviously-fallacious-but-valuable-nonetheless category. And I love you for proposing it. It is more valuable than any so-called "practical" advice.

I've been making some snow angels. They have solved a few of my problems, or at least shown me that my problems don't usually exist. Most of all, that if I spent more time mixing with snow angels and less with people, I would have fewer problems.

The poem you posted under was written partly with you in mind, by the way, though I wouldn't say that you singlehandedly "inspired" it.


PS--Speaking of snow-angels and the spirit in which they are made, I recently watched 'It's A Wonderful Life' for the first time in ten years, and it brought real tears to my eyes. I was a coward; I restrained myself from weeping openly in the theater (I saw it at the Colonial). Why should I be so careful not to cry in public? I am not ashamed to look aggressive or annoyed in public. Obviously there is something very wrong with me.