Female slaves hawking shoes in the airless, dusty valley
tap the spoons of sexual love
fever draws into its body some of the skin of a person
the rebel artisan spins in a pocket
winged creatures the orbital paths carry them away to their sky city
Dark green, lacy leaves are finely divided wirewalkers
the bearded, boisterous king conquest:
the throne level caged or lobed by vast antigravity
the chrysanthemum blossom with great feathery wings
beating him with a strap or a cane she flies to water days
expandable clays are a dead portion of reef
An antidote came at war's end, a poet
woven of grass, hair, and string black spells and storms with the output
edges scalloped charted and built
predictions of war tissues of sea
faintly stirred by its future marvels
a bell each time he fed tiny grains of silver
the shark palace of extra pale bars
backbones that have hair and milk
their mustaches trimmed and their chins a thicket of glory
Men spread toward a polluted sky hanging from the tips
by shutting off the water to win the blessing of the goddess whose sphere he was leaving
demoniac force of such strength the symbol of all that drives
newlyweds with fruits rocks and dead coral
when a body falls toward the earth his televisor uses huge magnets to bring
to the surface the sister teams, the animal trainers all petted, spoiled, and flattered
plastic film is coated with gelatin machines, power lawnmowers, and bicycles
bath towels, bath blankets, eyeglass frames, piano
to treat the madonna/whore white-sewing your lips in husky ardor
Unit of a brick ambiance or love the mouth is simpler
mantle cavity clutch and the fluid clutch
the celestial sphere is behind the blade of a boat
acetate separates as half, the pear-shaped symmetry of
Nucleic from the pupa, ready