Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Grapes fresh from the vine
crushed against the frame
of days anointed by
a multitude of tongues,
fronds from the cliff of green
that elevates my vertebrae
through encircling black hair,
up through the clouds that speak
and the clouds
that become searching limbs,
wetness of days on the wane
that emit a twilight shimmer
by guardrails of some activating
words that are always missing
from the passage of wings
over lonely courtyards,
each of my ears is a bird skeleton,
I go to the ships of bronze
shifting interspatial tablets,
I go to the arms of her earth
who moved the broomsticks
and the waving hands,
I go to her turning over
buckets of clean linen
as I run in dreams,
I go to her tub of mercy
as an ancient spirit anxious
to shed the solitude of flesh
and wield her hands on me
like a waiting sign
and a flower from the howling grave.

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