Sunday, May 25, 2014


                              At the broken apex
where green leaps up from the concrete border
   the way I see John with a microphone
sanctified by sky-flakes
        brought down on an amplified trailer
 by the torque and the thrust of his voice
when it is a catalogue muffled within
               it is stronger than light

How he doubles himself
     anti-tuning fork in a public room
           the instrument in sunlight and in
  damp waves, dense machine reverberations
        beach tangle of fiber optic electronic seaweed
             brother of thuds, of soft escapes
                               amp-mouth ratio
              life-gatherer peering out of a well
                               to the vaster water
                            a mast of woman
                        and a bladeless anchor massive with tongues
 casting lines from the sun's tow-rope of earth

             a tabernacle'd garage, bass-strings
    El Greco, naked mannequin dance
               standing on hips at the drum's heart
                      from which the door flung him back
                                                            and now the canvas takes him in

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