Monday, May 12, 2014


While a second taking lens records on the end of a pole
the slanting rays of light which, coming through clouds, resemble death on the rocks
days of history shiver as if in a snow                            posthypnotic
back hairs are erected in anger and gill slits the lower edge of the paper
a lighter patch on the location of a gland that is the wish of the hypnotist
the bulb of blowpipe, the intense brown hyena buff-grey or dirty
hung vertically in a glass vessel   a layer of solvent in the vessel
plants with their strong beaks   a common nickname for the chrysanthemum
they are kept safe inside wooden boxes to protect them from dust and magnetic influences
used to make safes, ball bearings, sperm or egg
a gap separates the connecting wires and the cutting edge of various
                                                                                           automobile bumpers and door handles
                                                                                       for their extended foot can excrete
                                                                                                                       his daughter's dress,
                                                                                                                                  and the wall.

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