Friday, February 03, 2012


Broke down the soft furniture
put a church organ in the best window

body of gin and breath of smoke
played until you smote my ragged court

with tongue touched foot soles
and rode an armament of orchids

on the hood of a rust tank
pushed the forest in piles

for me to climb down laughing on pipes
to rip news from lumber, trying

to ignore your dress and your rarity
or feed your little dogs

at the edge of our space station
while the limbs of your sashes push me

into a copper paved fountain
to taste blood from the mantle of the rich earth

and ascend to my room, where the only vote for silence
wafts down a long chute and ignites

call me the king of magnets, attack dream,
this time I won't ask your name, you'll know
I'm a roof watching.

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