Friday, February 24, 2012



Silence let my lips fail
on the slenderness you've become
I open an antique door
you slam the shatterproof

in the holiday foliage of broken money
and movements of snail on a jewel
you put a shelf in my chest
for your trophies to ache there
I found a lock that kept torn space
on the root's tone socket
of a sideyard garden

the man who said My body
has become the body of all men
lied like a pop song to vast time
and I tell you about the boy whose head
was a determined hatchet
flipping through the continuum

he took me to a courtyard of toxic salts
what I had left from birth
of my female garment
and tunneling through its alphabet
he fucked its geography open

and everybody sends each other flowers at the same time
and their tendrils splinter through each drying other
in the pelted mail.

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