Monday, May 13, 2019

Landing door pursed
halfway up the cliffs
forests linked in tangled vine and rusted tanks
flickering waves that cast off
clouds of black and green lightning
net's grounded prairie of eyes
roads winding the mountain's flank
bucking barrels of rock children
coiled chain links of dancers
rotating around the plateau
of the rocket launcher.

Silver eyebrows on the earth's face
long tongues and their language of squashed speed
hills of rounded tar
with a yellow light that speaks to the curb
and the unyielding longing
and the flour and the paint of desperation
quilts waiting to be destroyed
throughout the neighborhood gardens
nickels and tack pins spinning that should be stopped
rainbow's weight on the drawbridge
jungle's edge of stub footed riots
where the ripped electrical doors
clash nails with an armored sun
neon wigs of a seated troop
tape traffic of flashing screens
chairs and platforms on a liquid floor
seams of dovishly arranged radiator plastic.

Scrape of wheels on the dark cement
gaze through funneled shade
cloaking and uncloaking.

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