Monday, May 06, 2024

I take the dead snake skins
of my past lives and tie them together
across a golden road.
I watch the toads hop
out of the grass onto the steaming tar.
They encircle me with croak-song
and I am careful in my spinning dance.
Trees groan prettily behind swamp trenches
the honeysuckle smooths the breeze.

In my moon bruised incarnation
I take on the improbable shine
of the southern magnolia.
Nymphs with lovely psycho eyes
are coming to carry me away and
hurl me down on the painful pleasures
of a thistle bed.
They can have the magic
of my milky spine
they can sever my selfish head
and with pink thread sow it on again.

They can see if the hair on my body
moves like seaweed
in their bath of sacred potion
or the crimson of alchemical wind.

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