Wednesday, September 14, 2022

When we met
your young beauty
was already old

As old as anything gets
in this world,
as old as the salt in the sea,
older than me.

You slayed the reflections
of fallen arrivals
at the pageant
of pride that fades.

You raided the bones
of desert royalty
for DNA

And I waited
like a cave of geodes
for your fingers
that arrange the stuff of life,
for your braids of light
that hold up the dead sky.

In its tendrils frozen
your light returns
with its shining warmth,
its rescue of the moon's

I am the rock that waits
for your tough little feet
cells answering cells
in the web where there is no answer
save the shuttered water
and its ageless thirst
to swell without eyes
for your skin,
to yearn without features
for you casting glances,
the eggs that I catch like seeds
from all the reeds that bend
a chandelier's pen.

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