Sunday, November 25, 2018

Lakes on fire through the frozen goldenrod.
Sparked eminences leering through the birches.
A doughnut of punctured land
crying needles to the dark hearted sun.
Lips of burnt soil pushing fresh lilacs.
An eye in the earth that does not record but devour.
Curves in oil that bring forth the child.
Poolside razors clenched in teeth of sentient palms.
Rings of mercury descending the tongue of knives
in a transparent girl.

Knuckles tapping on lightyear-long girders
highways crumbling into tooth-strewn ditches
the lamb on an island of tar nuzzling absorbent foil.
Mouths in an otherwise vacant mirror
cleaning steam with gags.
Grey-haired teens feeding the elderly with fire.

Dining room skidding and rolling across an ancient floor
in a marble of fossilized scat.
Tea fingers tapping the hemlock into a swimming spoon.
Thatch work of indecencies that disembowels the moon
and heats the bright commerce.
An ax head held in the jaw
the cock of a crucified man
emerging into rapture.

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