Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Boy doll laden with crusts and punctures
sitting on a mattress where he never sleeps
counting zeroes in board grain
watching light pool
on the reflecting eyes that don't see
in chain link and rose-strewn wallpaper
all around him
on windowsills that extend like highways
past the drawers and filed colors
little spring-loaded doors that pop like caps
ejecting mouths of pale meat and doorknob eyes
tape reels of mountain sunrises
shot through with burning sperm
microwave womb belching cardboard boxes
eyelashes blowing on a block of ice
sausage standing in a crime tuxedo
clamping gills of hair
lime on the lids of sight
dancing the crooked needle
cedar with trashcan limbs
taking all the poison streets to heart
and coughing them out with tinfoil ribbons
fucked frog in a renamed body
essence aiming for chaos
claw marks in the concave concrete
pouting with worms and maggots
and the faces of beautiful women
the moon in a sash of liquid shit
the ocean's rims crumbling like bones
every remaining form
reimagined as a dagger
the bisected seed
molesting its roots like a happy cancer.

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