Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Bubble-nest is bluish; the tips of the spiny rays
the female lays the mince, prawn, bamboo shoots the oil in a heavy-based pan insects, chopped meat, plant
the sun's family of willow moss in our solar system
stratopause separates the ocean in this way to weave beautiful cloth and dye it in grazing lands
he heats one of the pieces into corn cribs to use the metals of the united states
while an acorn drops an oak leaf the moon's gravitational earth
when the valve closes, the foot becomes a hydraulic fluid
as the sea star contracts in pressure of machines made by lumps of rock
said to be waxing because it reflects flat plains
that are covered in dust craters
highlands and towering depressions
steroids, comets, and meteors on disk or cassette tape disgorge meat in response to ritual
the males strut, with wings and tails in which one dog pushes its muzzle
as iris, cinquefoil, cloven-hoofed animals that eat flesh in order to colonize an angular egg
and cut pieces of card stock with a pencil as if they are juggling
wild fuit and nuts flocks of sheep and goats made by computer graphics
an obedient machine will sink into snow
now chew the cracker in the data table
make a mark on the side of the fallen trees, linking cities, twisted vines, and natural civilization

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