Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Certain brilliant hummingbird feathers are created by ridges in mother
                 oil-groomed spermaceti in the bulbous head of gold leaf
                            the despoiler 6000 bulls of variegated color
                                        restorer buoyed up by the edge of the sea
                    downward cleaving first the air when they are out of water
                       we are rough men mixed by the wind
                          a hank of hair on their entire and
                           like most substances, fall asleep quickly
                              tube-rack upon rack of them--condensing
                                 sealed by massive, hinged lids filled with trouble because yellow has
                                                                                                added to the red light
                                  lead-colored drums radiate their stored heat into the rooms
                                    the curvature of the drop refracts so that the tank sits on a firm, level wall

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