Saturday, September 08, 2012

Squirrel feet on the corpse's window
feathered lashes beating past the breeze
the platformed serenity machine made
camera firing through an oxygen field
high heels on the third rail

You can find me reclining my oversize head
on the dominion body of a pink spider
babies hatching from the ceiling rafters
to carry my limbs away from their mother
you can find me swimming a liquid paycheck
towards a disintegrating perfume shop
looking in the shut-down aisles
for the end of human nature
or lighting a cigarette with the national flag
little boats of acorn halved
flickering in ghost water
at the edges of a Greek bath
hidden in a park forest

picnics in chainlink, grape skins on the soles of the feet
from tromp in a controlled vat
hear the vines
before they are utilized
the soil singing

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