Saturday, July 21, 2012


The earths speak clearly when you move
there is a clotted notch between my shoulders
that knows it and opens its lid wide
we will move the bright items along
of sound or sight on a flashing scale
over a strong river
I've destroyed every one of my
to lie beside you on this sledge
ice branches quick above
but our talk is tumbleweed
it lingers around rectangular drains
lined with light-intoxicated lint
of tobacco cotton soaked with urgent breathing
remember the exit from an ancient restaurant
with a handful of peacock knives
alleys stacked with discarded telephone poles
we'd planned an ecstatic lightweight government
over a forest of cocktails
and when we strobed our unstable forms
in the pulse quick sidewalk
the people seemed quiet and sad
as if about to shuffle together
to the foot of a mountain grave
not holding hands
and we met the nameless there on the ignited outskirts
it lingers around the fleck black holes
eating through glacier dropped rocks
near those blueberry bushes.


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