Wednesday, October 05, 2011


burn angles down into wings
I'm a crustacean on the porch,
banish me. Let the goldenrod attest
to the hurricane

moved through in high silver light
above the power outage
and the wind through windows
viciously turning the pages of books,

took me kneeless under straining dams
to look at the boiling, fearful weight of water
let it fill up the lower towns
and drive us up to a twined peak,
wrapped together by the wreckage of many storms
many trains moving toward a vast fireplace
many mouths moving fingers
pecking at laser panels
typing alien languages

I drink broth of dandelion and forget how to speak
you burn the body of a foreign guitar
deep in a rented corner
the twilight of blood is in your dancing
and skirt of cymbals
pointing the way to a shark blue corridor
showered orgies and the screams of chlorinated children
under the sky's pierced light

cemented youth treading in lapsed time
the bodies of ghost crabs, burst white
shells on the tar pebbles
on the sands of a beach born this morning
dolphin belly in the long shaft
of a jungle leaf
the gods

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