Wednesday, August 03, 2011

This is known from the living machine
presumed into eternity
symbolic fire on the black rocks
along the whole story; tides and a black dwarf
the full thickness of the skin is destroyed,
as pictures on the wall dark lanes of dust,
skin from another part of the body moved
from the front to the very top of the head
little polyp at one end to man
in the literal image of God sending sound waves
on the sides of their bodies moving in a magnetic field,
twirled by a member the long, spiral arms
among a hundred billion huge strainers
of a tough and flexible stuff the system's center of gravity,
made up of more than one sun in a darker color
between the heart and coffee grinders
build a rugged centipede with wood-paneled flat eyes,
purpled, yellow and brown piles of stone
as emission nebulae, this big gray thing flap up into the air
do well in zones 8, 9, and blossom width
water-borne flavor searching
for the dark electric current around the fish

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