Monday, January 07, 2008

I dreamt that you and I were dancing
in a country whose borders had fallen.
I dreamt my hands onto your waist,
I dreamt your arms over my shoulders.

I even dreamed a chandelier
made of beercans and candles
to light our sweeping progress
across the room. And I dreamt
the walls covered with your paintings;
a ballroom for your greatness
(a whole world for your greatness)
that made the Sistene Chapel look
like a rusty thimble in comparison.
And an elevator coming down from the ceiling
to take us to a high bed in the great city
where we could make love and breathe
the hidden matter of the universe
into each other forever.

I dreamt that you and I were dancing
in a country whose borders had fallen
to a velvet revolution. I dreamt your life
into my life; I dreamt my strange tuxedo
next to your startling dress
at a ceremony the world has never seen before.

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