Thursday, August 02, 2007

My love, and my love again lie down
(my love, and my love again)--

I have woven you a crown of black-eyed susans
and lain leaves of pale yellow
on a dry
carpet of needlepine

look up to your starry origins

while life crawls endlessly underneath us
and I make love to you
with all the colors of my mouth--

(my love, and my love again)

while the taste of half your life is in my lips
while the fibers are raging underneath us
to be kissed by disintegrations

I think of the circuits just above my tongue
I think of the rushing of blood, I think
of two birds falling out of you

touch your mouth
with the mouth
you have re-made for me with your mouth
and the seeds rush in from everything at once


Now that you have re-made my mouth with your mouth
now that you have re-made my hands with your hands
now that you have re-made my chest with your breasts
now that you have remade my rough belly with your smooth belly
now that you have remade my prick with your cunt

the music is quieter in the air
but it's rising in volume again
the music descends
but it has hands to pick us up
now that you have remade my music with your music
a bird like a note pecks hard in the back of our head

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