Saturday, October 29, 2005

Outline for a news & entertainment magazine:

There are a lot of important people
doing dangerous and important things.
A lot of important things are happening.
Last week so many books were published,
all the trees grew wings & started flapping to get away.
Flowers were thrown on the streets, to no avail.
You showed your nakedness to the world,
and nothing happened.
Paint your body, starting with the eyes and nipples.
Put a bright Star of Bethlehem on your forehead just for fun.
Being sad is an un-American activity.
Ships like massive icebergs are arriving.
Their jagged bellies nudging at our shorelines.
Put your eyes in my mouth.
Put your mouth in my hands.
Put your feet in my eyes.
The kind of smacking-each-other-in-the-face-with-joy,
asshole-licking, rolling-around-the-carpet sex
we've always wanted to have.
Build yourself a new ribcage with tin cans.
Go up to the roof of a long long factory building
and see how many suns are left.
When the ocean comes closer you can catch a starfish.
It's always the Fourth of July. Fireworks eternal.
Say the word "Love" and a thousand wings start flapping.
Say the word "Death" and watch a stone
turn to water in your hands.
Watch the streets and the buildings turn to water.
Watch your face turn to water in the mirror.
"This is a head. These are hands touching
both sides of the head's face.
This head is precious. The hands that touch this face
are precious.
I have smashed my brother's face with a rock.
I have raped my sister. Yet, against my will,
I have been forgiven."
Imagine waking up after a long war
in a huge pile of black olives.
Imagine lying in a bathtub filled with vegetable oil.
There are a thousand dead souls
whimpering in your eyes.
Your fingernails were made from a multitude
of crushed bones and burnt hairs.
The noise of beards growing sounds
like snakes slithering over the edge
of an old flat world, dripping into space,
and space is a sink at 4:15 a.m.
In my dreams I can transport everyone I've ever known
into the living room of the house where I lived as a child.
Somehow they all fit on the sofa, sitting next to one another.
Stretch out all your limbs inside my body.
Nothing has been reported.


LukeBuckham said...

Hi Betti.

I am not as enamoured of it as you are, but I am glad that you are enamoured. Enamourment is usually healthy.

My work is falling apart & turning into a whole new animal, which won't resemble this piece, thank Goat. But I'm glad you're following me in my ridiculous journey. Thank you.

LukeBuckham said...

Aaron! Holy shit, it's good to (sort of) hear from you again, you beautiful womanizing socialist sungod! I hope I haven't discovered your message too late. You can get in touch with me through the e-mail posted on this blog, or through

LukeBuckham said...

Oh, and by the way, Aaron, I tried to submit the piece to the magazine you recommended, but they only accept Microsoft Word files, whatever that means. Fuck them.