Monday, June 13, 2016

Radiant plush that fades
the eyes back into the teeth,
the voice back into the neck,
the neck back into the ass...

Furry light, that opens
a morsel in the blood,
a tangled pour,
crystallized volcano of effort
prism led to court of dead owls,
miceless claws of the judgmental dead.

Dashed slobber of mutuality,
why are you calling me
back through cloud factories
to be mercilessly painted by eyes?

Many-mirrored flutter, parallelograms
of copulation squeezing treadmills
free of daisies, many-pharoah'd tombs
bursting with rice salt honey vulvaic stimulaters
body-spiders friend from the gone age
an ember in her waistband
as I pass myself meeting her.

Tug of cumulus on the bloodstream.
Shat fences pull up from dregs.
Fiddle of washed-out frog mouths
in the tubs of collapsed immunity.
Flung to it like vegetable, a pursed
triangle for mouth's radio dial,
enemy savior, Freya, toasted imitator.
Your grains in the prints of my fanged sand.

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