Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Torn from the emptiness
a cell cries out
whimpering in error grand in truth
protesting forced existence for more existence

barren hills rise up from fallen hilltops
broken water is unfrozen in long long
streams to longer and longer oceans

where the pocket deep does not enslave
does not chafe in its mutation
glowering with light, not ready
to blow up the scarred remnants of the known world

until my body is kissed by flies
and my pecker's outline filled with sand
I reject the civilization implanted in my heart
and sip coffee from its dragon's udder


First the flower-things fell off the wall,
the doze of elements broke through its entirety,
and the rimmed angels lay down
to evaporate with their master.

Second the seconds expanded to minute size,
prisms' beam unicorns off of the twilight,
takes a chunk of heat out of the universe,
heat with heat, to kill the teacher of logic
who lives in the snare of a gun, with a red bouquet
with the feigned innocence of thorns,
mother finally fucked for good
the cling of the hillsides, the clutch
of the touched moon.

Monday, August 24, 2015


Our one torpedo moon, sheathed in dead silk,
unwinking, oblique: I blow you up in my mind.

And still you descend sideways to rend my planet-side
rib of ages unread cave scripted on the walls fossilized
bread that the ages never ate and so became the stilled
cityscapes of the tamed, viper morsels playing a grid's game
to be deranged into sameness; and the aimless
river that became the channel that we flow in, is overflowing
for the strength of the moon, gravity's mad placenta
of energy, colored by time to arc in sync with formlessness,
to shape the changing of an age by aiding its expansion,
I build a mansion on the torched expanse of a torched mansion.

And our moon expands its lasso, I'm a mouth-mushing
Progresso, painted in grease on the table, taking the cables
of my house apart compulsively, to set up a bunk in the wreck
of me, tides are the shape of me, a symphony charges my throat
an ampitheater openeth my ears, I bang tape cassettes on pianos
I manage the breakdown of the cosmos with my sphincter
and cosmic cock of ages, I spank sages this dick is free
and the moon's every imprint is imprinted upon me.

Friday, August 21, 2015


My body hive
of the five stricken
elements for a sixth,
a stumbler wounding,
condition of blankness

Stacking wood
with a hard-on,
I play the don
of consequences,
sky eating
the eyes that are eating
the sky.

Monday, August 17, 2015


Onstage at the tedium's fire,
held in wreckage that won't dissipate,
I know the core of the woods
is climaxing in its basements
of skunk fur.  Sticks break
over wells and scatter bark
on distilled waters.


Ointment from the womb,
honey of mother.  Earth's cradle
spat out by volcanic matter.
Nourish the air, this vessel,
and the truth in all ways.
Keep from hiding a firm walk,
pock the sun with keen glasses,
fuck like a frog in a snowglobe city
bring heat to the unlit villages
hidden there in terror, stash fury
in the light of action,
gashed open by silver dictionaries
bleeding organic kisses in flunked rain.


Preludes fall with kisses'
arrival, wet blanket of moon
attracted and senseless,
pocked and crossing,
fallen heads of march
empty acorn eyes
graveyard wet and giving moss light.


The garlic bites the underside of my tongue,
the trees rise up, green buds are sky-size,
lake's river flows, flows through my soul complete
to its river's entrance, and takes from
all the foliage reflection
a spark of space.

Monday, August 10, 2015


Sash on the floor the long way of looking
the eye of the whole body
floating at death, tauntingly, bridgeless
for the chasm which demands it,
ascending to the core, the janitor's closet
at the heart of the sun, with the door
left standing open.  And her future mouth.

Tuesday, August 04, 2015


Punk deep river flowed reddish rounded hills
asymmetrical table and laminated water--warlords, sponsors of the chaos
a thousand feet long with walls boiling on paper
the queen eats them and I had to illustrate her whacking it into shape


Radiant and cool mountains, well-balanced trees,
a breeze from the rift in the rock where
the earth was broken and now channels
a descending wind, light manufactures dusk
in the pools of shade under the pine,
spring's work through mineral and moss
cupped hands at the chilled nexus
where sky breaks on the river
computer children rappel from burning forests
spiked heels in sap and squirrels of blood
with knives like ends of dream in teeth.


River alive with scum child
river alive in a last gleaming
river alive for my flesh alive is a river
river alive with morsels of pigment
of which I am a definite particle
also dying, in an airport with a bucket
of fish and mop water mixed
meal fallen and bleached
gun in the mouth gun in the mouth
such excitement!  A full tub!
Morsels for me in the excrement!
In the here ever after!  In the next
movie!  Time to die, fuck!  Yeah,
morsel.  My rage puts the paws to my hands,
I soften under claws.  Islands rise up
in the dark like tears.  My helpless anger
wears a bed like a bonnet
and eats the air from a mirror horizon
like a pork mouth of dawn.
The parking lots open like old sores,
heat's rain of shit and hate glowers down
like a shrub, like an infant.