Tuesday, October 28, 2014


From the bivouac  sacked
   flip the cash-bag      wine stomach
       disturbed map        blinking
           white canyons fogged in
               past the blade of each shoulder,

     the prison-escapers  with birdhouse heads
       urging: onward the tugged bridge,
              interlocking rust,
         weirdly angled fables
                            that find canvas
       at the edge of a chopped-off city

 vapor lighting its catches
         love making in the net of echoes
                     where town after town bubbles
                       up from the crust of pustule earth

 The stellar nipple expanding
   old fond maple
     criminal in an ink dress
       slither down my name

Monday, October 27, 2014


Symbiotic days of Martian freedom
     never to boomerang
          smitten blood-dark by three
            and then four forms of consciousness,

    rebounded only from birth
           and the garaged head,
       the carefully kept
           ways of being
                  about to shatter.

 My distant brother, cousin of
      the plague that strew me--pride
           flush out my emptiness,
              if you dare--I'm
                powerfully half-here,
            on the fading line we stagger.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Synthetic days of infinitely heightening noon;
   blue stores by a red cube,
        the blood of a wise man:
    and after fifteen choruses in his chest
     rose weeping, again:
          "they've killed my jailer"

Friday, October 24, 2014


Deep in the breadlot
shadows were screaming persons
concrete broke out like air
against their narrowed struggle
and the mad birds sang for all
strumming and striking, on which they
                         stand at an angle,
  moon-locked, politically gigantic,
                   stable as a jet blood jello

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


His own frame, its parts shaped like disks
their ancient taboos, dead to be mummified

Liver, windpipe, spleen, bladder and womb
a clerk for a dry-goods merchant


    So that they might suffer
from each other's wounds
                            more fully,
            sympathy was taken
                  from the sympathetic
                       and given to the unsympathetic,
      those with deepest wounds
             were allowed to walk free,
                  damaging everybody,
       the action movie shared
                             like corn syrup.


            White noise frequencies connected to the hands of the inner pair
 characteristically soft and gelatinous equally spaced iron rods are all lumped
               in a chronology or time scale against which the products of the human workman
                 are optically reduced refrigerators directed past a strong magnet
                   building walls, and even nuclear guesses
                        they possess no true roots, are inserted blue-green, red, or brown
                                                                                                            dried    of culture medium
                                                                                                light waves of all
                                   and on cooling they will all lose their come color
             and be able to run within me so that time would pass to our lips
                         legalizer and leveler; it stands still or flames scarlet by the organism, he exists


I collect chunks of coal,
 no longer hot, from
   the tracks, from
           the river pools.
 I put them in an office
     of ash furniture.
 I let molten blossoms
  begin liquidly in the
                    thick walls.

       A torch in a distant engine
     is beginning
        to come to life,
      and decisions are made
          by things in blood
 unsteady that run and run
             toss gravity to super entropic wolves,
               standing timelessly on time,
               with a force-field of hatchets.

Monday, October 20, 2014


The team of bone
of distant persons
of telepathy in evening wear

marketing, rest, worship
natural rubber from the territories
pathways are similar in the cells of all

a fabric that newfangled field of plastic could move;
a nonexplosive version of the oval faith kept rigid and glasslike
the crystal framework pressed into service

the man-made giant molecule of spandex dangling in the air

Saturday, October 18, 2014


     Oranges rotted purple in the white pantry
         a coil in the spine notwithstanding
   machinery of days rubbing against
 other days
salts nostalgia with error
       to open this character of ice
     fling the teacups into the comet
       blindly connecting
    and flash the canyon
         slopes decorated with broken productions
       a coil in the spine is just a worm spiral

Thursday, October 16, 2014


             I'm in a basement full of
                 old computers, video tapes,
                     Jean D'Arc dolls, unkept records,
                         juiceless plastic, tools for the dead.

               I'm like a vampire nursing on my own blood.
                Dual electrodes don't threaten me
                       from the opposite wall.
                  My energies were led
                       and led me here.

                    Operating from the always-hot  core valve,
                  the most tarnished, most often used
                    channel of the spirit,
                   a faint technology somewhat
                    like a porch light
                   universal in shape
                                 keeps me.


Prolapsed star system
        puked tableau of winking lights
      golf areas stalked by a lengthening whisper
            ice spilled everywhere
          from a cooler the poles knocked over

                  flags afire on a leaning ship
           nudging an abandoned harbor
                       stalk eyes and hidden eyes
                              and no eyes below

Monday, October 13, 2014


Female slaves hawking shoes in the airless, dusty valley
tap the spoons of sexual love
fever draws into its body some of the skin of a person
the rebel artisan spins in a pocket
winged creatures the orbital paths carry them away to their sky city

Dark green, lacy leaves are finely divided wirewalkers
the bearded, boisterous king conquest:
the throne level caged or lobed by vast antigravity
the chrysanthemum blossom with great feathery wings
beating him with a strap or a cane she flies to water days
expandable clays are a dead portion of reef

An antidote came at war's end, a poet
woven of grass, hair, and string black spells and storms with the output
edges scalloped  charted and built
predictions of war tissues of sea
faintly stirred by its future marvels
a bell each time he fed tiny grains of silver
the shark palace of extra pale bars
backbones that have hair and milk
their mustaches trimmed and their chins a thicket of glory

Men spread toward a polluted sky hanging from the tips
by shutting off the water to win the blessing of the goddess whose sphere he was leaving
demoniac force of such strength the symbol of all that drives
newlyweds with fruits rocks and dead coral
when a body falls toward the earth his televisor uses huge magnets to bring
to the surface the sister teams, the animal trainers all petted, spoiled, and flattered
plastic film is coated with gelatin machines, power lawnmowers, and bicycles
bath towels, bath blankets, eyeglass frames, piano
to treat the madonna/whore white-sewing your lips in husky ardor

Unit of a brick        ambiance or love      the mouth is simpler
mantle cavity clutch and the fluid clutch
the celestial sphere is behind the blade of a boat
acetate separates as half, the pear-shaped symmetry of

Nucleic from the pupa, ready

Sunday, October 12, 2014


White owls in the jailhouse
 purgatories that history has written
              into our spines, whole shells
                  of blood-flecked literature,
        and the stark hurt sun on high glass,
   trickling with orange: the flame jet's
        third eye, filled with pus

Saturday, October 11, 2014


Underwater rivers of sand curves of a woman eating crow:  after an argument
                                       a coy male had grown into a tall tree
                                                       beach master of a harem
                             the female blocks     the female allows him to leave
                                    a caterpillar eats and grows
                                          we eat eggs
                                              vicious piercings of the animal's chest armor
                                                                                       adapted to the buoyancy

Thursday, October 09, 2014


Brainwashed by beauty,
gift faltering with praise,
I erred in the fertile lands,
where there are places to step.

To deepen the valley with movement,
to give seeds away to the dawn.
To escape from freedom
into the play of echoes.

Cessation is valuable unsought
fear of light is upholstered high
on the lavished tenements.
Raspberries nonexistent stagger
the peripheral forms,
the smell of universal movement,
the religion of death.

Tuesday, October 07, 2014


I remember the onion-darkened sunlight
A torn map carving paths for the dead
Our circuitry shelved in a blue heron
Serving the sky's arc every day
Rubber tar underfoot in a maze
Where a section of graffiti coils and opens
Thriving in black dust
Through the messages of childblood
As the abattoir sings celebration of its victims
We are benches in an empty greenhouse
Out in a gravel clearing with a drum
Taking from the core's fabric
This litany of managed expansion
From a sprung zero

Monday, October 06, 2014


Vined porches linked by concrete and fever bodies
       lashing for false control as the thick sky replenishes

            apartments shake with barren music
              doorways give off a scent of plaster and black tea
                    siloes sing from the sides of a canal
       their aluminum bottomless
             aurora of closed eyes

Saturday, October 04, 2014


History in a red powder weighed the flask

  rubber, fluorspar--the mysterious rays kept the curves of script in an ad

    birds are stunned and their throats then cut controlled
       wire floors crank again and again

Thursday, October 02, 2014


 Spine bowed against the curve of the earth,
  burned down to laughter by love-crime,
   eyes in the roots, mouth of sky rivershore
      climbed by fishmen to borrow
        all flashing and thriving with anger
           in the mammal's roam, convenience
             stored up in death, to make
A shrieking marauder rear up in
      the back of a cop car, brandishing
           teeth of blacksmith nails
               in the rearview
   Mirror to strike silence with
         until the penalties fall to pieces,
           until all filmed and titled wailing
               becomes the handmaiden stark
                  of multiverse bulbs welling off
     Fought gravity yielding its error of beauty eternal

Wednesday, October 01, 2014


Rain-camels, slashed open to catch:
still they walk with the world
clopping cobblestones into place
as the acid fills the flesh dunes
making them walk, without haste:
mouth of daylight hell ahead, teeth defined
by the buildings that mimic them,
in that mouth: offices transcendent
with low-lit vacancy, their holders flown
to chase phantoms with gnashing unlatched
cases of flaming statistics, which have
the bureaucratic anarchy
of large group fucking