Saturday, December 29, 2012


I love your dark dark
blood rich, Miss so much misused
by Massachusetts

the residue of a forgotten affection
coats my being from head to foot
and the sweetened horror
and the mountainous edges
melting in a wealth of planet light
hurl my song of water and sleaze
into the thinking air
and will not wait for propriety to shape its passion

you are an angle in heavens
that scorches the nearest bulb wall
and I wear its scratched fire
and I wear its silence like a second skin
and I wear its wound and its wig
and I wear its obscure image gleaming
wherever your body is absent and my eyes dry up on the earth.

If I could speak to you in the voices of every epoch
I'd woof time is not between us
all that can be discovered has found
a rift unknown to open
it is only these many fears of flying
the force of our division from a naked rib
which split along three seams
which split along two seams
which split along one seam
remain closed and do not release


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