Thursday, June 30, 2011

there she lies, on yet another apartment
bed we've shared, with another hairstyle,
inside years, walls rise,
time tears a beak from your neck
then re-implants it, zeroes are plentified
lips are small and firm, yielding and unyielding,
we purified silence, gave the darkness
a new world, walked beaches as if
they didn't exist, eyelash built bridges
in the hallways of the sun,
the ceiling and roof formed
unseen daggers. We saucer through
half-lives, under-bridge lands,
through the parka of a vast ghost,
there she lives, she is yet another
city floor closer to the throne
and the foot of heaven, beaming
in corners of a failed noise test,
ripping fronds from the upward current
of an old big tree, lighter than dancing.

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