Saturday, January 29, 2011

Together we have killed the earth,
let us hold hands in hands in hands
around the metallic sparrow,
let us look with carelessness
on the death we have lovingly created,
nip at the scorched tiny wings
with engine teeth. We'll ask each other
if we can still inhabit this local orb
between flagrant supermarkets
and the sound of burning salts,
we'll taste the shell
of the all-containing thing
that crawled far away,
dragging its dark protections
and a portion of our race,
movement of dung skinned soldiers
serving nothingness' sweet advance

universality of sleep, sleep of all species,
the beautiful gun barking lacks of oxygen
for all lovelies breathing

thank you soldier, policeman of our concerned
deadnesses, our state-sanctioned violins,
I hope all my friends die like airless pianos
in the huge grip. Your talons, I speak
world of newest evil, plastic whole
through the half-melted visor of my own.

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