Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I'm listening...

I'm listening to Bob Dylan
yell about the corruption of eternity
instead of doing my tax forms

Bob Dylan's teeth are dirty today
from eating tobacco plants
the linoleum in this tiny kitchen
is covered with Jackson Pollock patterns
of semen

a red sun crosses all the windows at once
and the linoleum glitters
my teeth are just as dirty as Bob Dylan's
even though I don't eat tobacco plants
I can't see Bob Dylan's teeth right now
but I know that they resemble mine

I am proud that my teeth resemble the teeth
of a great poet

as the newspaper tulips
tremble like naked girls
standing in wet field
in the beginning of autumn


T.C. said...

Dylan: Poet or minstrel? Or is the same?

LukeBuckham said...

I haven't seen Bob in blackface lately, so I'll have to go with poet, at least insofar as the best of his work (Blonde on Blonde, Street Legal, Another Side) is certainly poetic. Some of what he does nowadays is (highly annoying) rhetoric with bits of poetry thrown in.