Tuesday, March 04, 2025

The sky is vast and violent and
my bones are a chicken's death
I see the possums climbing trees
before and after flying fences
and bouncing trash cans
their eyes are beady and unperturbed
and mine should be too.

Talent is a way to spend time
not some transcendent insight
no epiphany will save you
you have to eat shit and die
like everyone else.

Shapes come out of the dark with radiant form
veins drawn to the height of electric wires
I see hellfire crawling over me like meat
I see the roads dragged by painted corpses
I see rancid thugs digging
with diamond studded shovels
and the tents of steel with proud windows
framing holographic kings
the howling deception of history.

I am a bent hysteric
tapping a twig in my blood
to mark a blank sail
with the harm that stars and soil
have done to me
these trails of healing loneliness
that lead to everything true.

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Richness of spirit is smashed
on these waves of shit
but the orb of eyes at rest
rises to drift godlike over all
and sends down myriad mute
dancing messengers
dogs of warless lightning
leashes lashed to hands of fog
bones flying on velvet webs

alone in a creaking town
I see the rubber dome slide over
crackling machinery of stars
behind the milky screen
bricks rotating in spiral torsos
headless beauties poised in antiquity
flags of silk in wind that toils
projected from the dark interior
of a horned atomic angel

dice bouncing in the alleys
where the music surged in painted ways
those fire escape days.

Saturday, March 01, 2025

Leviathan drowned in a bathtub
purple vines encasing the old fortress
where stones become reptilian crawlers
gardens gash order with order
liquid walls are open to the sky
in courtyards where the sight of extra stars
blooms backbrain on an air plateau

I'm a torn goner
under the many skins I have worn out
this hand grenade heart is ready
beauties glide bars of frozen light
to my hands that are shackled
to their willing strings
I sing what the sirens give me
bronze arrows ejaculate wombs
palm trees with metal tentacles
the skull is a symbol of consciousness
no longer taking part